Kaštel Stari,

Marina near Grad Kaštela (Kaštel Stari)

Last edited 20.07.2022 at 01:20 by NV Charts Team


43° 33’ 3.9” N


16° 20’ 43.5” E


43°32'59' - 16° 20'20' 16° 23'42' Kaštel Stari, lies less than half a mile to the east and was built in 1476 as one of the first forts. Dr Gutsherr cipico had it built on a rock and today it also has a fixed land connection. The walls of the old fort are still there, but now it is used as a shopping centre. The wide, lighted pier faces south and has a water depth of 2.5m at the head.

Marina Information



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