Oldenburg/Drielake, Eisenbahnbrücke: Öffnungszeiten/ Opening hours

Navinfo near Oldenburg (Osternburg)

Last edited 01.08.2024 at 10:20 by NV Charts Team


53° 8’ 24.4” N


8° 14’ 2.5” E


Valid from 10.12.2023
Valid until 15.12.2024

Attention: Due to urgent maintenance work, the Oldenburg/Drielake railroad bridge will be closed to shipping from 03.08.24 from approx. 21:00 to 04.08.24 until approx. 05:00.

Bridge openings are only possible during the respective bridge operating times from 2 hours before sunrise to 2 hours after sunset.

Opening times:
(valid daily from 10.12.2023 to 15.12.2024) 

  • 00:36 - 00:48 h
  • 01:29 - 01:43 h
  • 02:27 - 02:47 h
  • 03:27 - 03:47 h
  • 04:35 - 04:47 h
  • 06:07 - 06:19 am
  • 07:08 - 07:20 am
  • 08:52 - 09:04 am
  • 11:08 - 11:20 am
  • 11:53 - 12:05 pm
  • 12:37 - 12:49 pm
  • 14:37 - 14:51 pm
  • 16:08 - 16:22 pm
  • 18:08 - 18:20 pm
  • 19:08 - 19:20 pm
  • 19:53 - 20:05 pm
  • 21:40 - 21:52 pm
  • 22:38 - 22:50 h
  • 23:33 - 23:48 h

Bridge openings must be requested with callsign OLDENBURG BRIDGE on VHF channel 73.

The clearance height of the Oldenburg/Drielake railroad bridge (Hunte-km 0.5) is

approx. 1.86 m at middle high tide,

 at middle low tide approx. 4.62 m.

The bridge may only be passed if it is safe to do so. The clearance height indicated on the bridge level must be observed.


Martin Bolsinger, Sóleyja
Technisches Wunderwerk !
22.04.2023 17:31
Jörg Schwettmann, Old Fellow
Brücke ist schon wieder defekt und kann nicht gehoben werden. Ersatzteile zur Zeit nicht lieferbar. 3. größer defekt in den letzen 2 Monaten.
14.07.2022 20:21

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