Dranske ?? existiert der noch?..

Marina near Dranske

Last edited 03.08.2024 at 21:25 by Norbert Noak, Lotti


54° 37’ 25.8” N


13° 13’ 47.1” E


Private jetty in the northwest of the Wieker Bodden.

NV Cruising Guide


First, across the buoyed approach channel, keep towards the jetty, then steer 250° just before reaching the pair of buoys 3/6 towards the club's jetty.

Caution: Outside the fairway it is shallow and unclean. To the southwest of the sailing club are the remains of former military docks and wrecks.


At the jetty of the Wittower Segelverein Dranske there are berths for guests on 1,5 - 2mwater depth on free places after arrangement.

At the 0,2sm further north located pier is the jetty for excursion boats, therefore there only short-time berthing possibility (depth 1,8 - 2m).


At the sailing club sanitary facilities as well as electricity and water at the jetty are available. A restaurant is located at the pier, further supply possibilities in the village.

NV Land Guide

"Dranske greets its guests" is written at the entrance of the village on the northwestern tip of Rügen. However, the friendly greeting does not make up for what was made of this place with the construction of unfriendly housing silos. The flats served members of the army, because the entire 'Bug', the long peninsula south of Dranske, was a military area. In the 'Heimatmuseum Dranske/Bug', founded in 1999, this part of the history of the place is also presented.

After the withdrawal of the military, the conversion of the still closed properties for touristic use failed so far because of the financing. However, belonging to the National Park Vorpommersche Boddenlandschaft, the southern part of the Bug can be visited as part of guided walks.

At the wooden bridge, the house "Wittow" advertises the sport diving exhibition "Marine Archaeology on the Northwest Coast of Rügen" and presents with a bent central propeller of a "BV 138", which crashed in 1945 off Dranske, a find from the depths.

The beach on the northwestern coast of Dranske is popular as a secluded bathing place. A high shore path runs along the coastline to Cape Arkona.

Marina Information


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Norbert Noak, Lotti
03.08.2024 21:25

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