
Marina near Schaprode (Öhe)

Last edited 28.06.2024 at 16:26 by Andreas Tilgner, Lütten


54° 30’ 42.2” N


13° 10’ 0.7” E


Canal-like harbor on the west coast of the island of Rügen on the Hiddensee fairway.

NV Cruising Guide


The approach to Schaprode is only recommended during the day. From the Hiddensee fairway, steer at 88° from buoy 27/N2 to buoy SCH2 of the Schaprode fairway. From here you should not leave the buoyed fairway (target depth 2.5 m). There are stones outside the buoy line and it is very shallow.

Depending on the wind direction and strength, the current sets in or out at up to 2 knots.


The jetty for the ferry to Hiddensee is located at the northern entrance to the harbor. This is followed to the east by a quay, which is partly occupied by water cabs and passenger ships. Guest berths follow to the southeast. The water depth is up to 3m.


Supply options are available and there is a restaurant right by the harbor. From here you can go on wonderful hikes along the northern shore of the Udarser Wiek, a nature reserve.

Fresh bread rolls are available at the campsite.

NV Land Guide

The gardens bordered with fieldstones and the lovingly laid out flowerbeds are just as much trademarks of this beautiful ferry town as the church in the middle of the village. In contrast to many a church complex on Rügen, Usedom or Fischland-Darß, Schaproder is a well-kept showpiece. The elevated church grounds are also lined by a fieldstone wall, which the village road runs right past.

Even the Slavs valued Schaprode as a sheltered harbor. Their clinker-built merchant ships were protected by the small island of Öhe off the coast. Schaprode also served as a kind of outpost for the trading center of Ralswiek.

For many centuries, the island of Öhe was owned by an ancient noble family called Öhe, who are said to have owned the land as early as 1340. Today, only the name of the island, on which there are just two houses, is a reminder of the old dynasty. The private island is inhabited by the owners, the Schilling family. The other inhabitants are cattle and sheep, which are brought over by animal ferry. In addition to organic farming on the island, the family also runs the inn at the harbor and a farm store right next door.

Until the 19th century, Schaprode remained a seafaring village known for its wealthy skippers. Large estates belonged to the village. This was one of the reasons why a regular ferry service from Schaprode to Hiddensee developed early on. There is a large parking lot next to the concrete pier of the ferry station in the harbour, where many passengers park their cars before the crossing. Residents of the island of Hiddensee also park their cars in Schaprode, as driving on the island is only permitted with a special permit.

Although the church in Schaprode has Romanesque arched windows and a cross vault from around 1200, most of it dates back to the second half of the 15th century. Two gravestone slabs and a crucifix from the 15th century, an altar and pulpit from the 17th century and a baptismal font from the 18th century can be seen inside.

The Schwedenschanze four kilometers north of Schaprode, on the narrows between Rügen and Hiddensee, is an ideal destination for an excursion. Rügen is said to have once been connected to Hiddensee here until a violent hurricane in 1304 finally separated the two islands (although this has not been proven). The Schwedenschanze was built during the Norse War to control the entrance to Stralsund at the strait, the so-called Trog.

The Udarser Wiek south of the island of Öhe and the village of Schaprode is a nature reserve and closed to pleasure craft.

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