
Marina near Sønderby

Last edited 16.08.2024 at 22:03 by Hartmut Pflughaupt, Ratokker III


54° 58’ 19” N


11° 30’ 48.7” E


Small ferry and island harbour on the southwest coast of Femø, one of the most popular destinations in the Smålands fairway.

NV Cruising Guide


The approach is possible day and night. At night, however, the approach requires the greatest navigational care due to the unlit channel.

From the northwest, enter Femø Sound at 140° and keep the Vejrø light on the boundary between the red and green sectors astern. At the level of the unfired red buoy (WP 376), swing into the leading light of Femø (2 F.G) at 96°, which marks the channel buoyed on one side (target depth 3m).

Anchorage: Good anchorage west of the harbour at about 2.5m, well sheltered in north and east winds.


Yachts are moored in the western or eastern basin at 1.5 - 2.8m water depth.

The ferry dock may not be used by pleasure craft.


In addition to fuel and modern sanitary facilities, you will find a merchant at the harbour.

There is a ferry connection to Kragenæs.

NV Land Guide

Femø is first mentioned in Valdemar Sejr's land register in 1231 as Fymø, which means foam. However, three large stone graves in Nørreby prove that the island has been inhabited since time immemorial. Belt buckles, arm rings and chains from the Stone Age discovered in the fields and meadows prove the early settlement, which lasted until a raid by the Wends. The pirates ravaged the island to such an extent that it remained uninhabited for years afterwards. Only gradually did farmers settle again. Femø became a royal estate.

The island consists of hilly moraine landscape, the highest point of which is the 22-metre-high Issemoseberg. It is divided into two halves by a drained valley. The villages of Nørreby and Sønderby are the centres of the two parts of the island. The island's houses used to stand exclusively in these two villages. All paths therefore lead in a star shape towards Nørreby and Sønderby.

The network of paths on the small island area is characterised by a particular variety of trails. Bog areas, agriculture and fruit plantations characterize the island. The bogs, such as Østemose, Bastemose and Langemose, are fringed with trees.

From the harbour located on the west coast of the island, two roads lead to the two island villages, the north-eastern road leading to Nørreby and the south-western road to Sønderby. On the way to Sønderby you pass the church, built in 1527, whose limestone paintings are worth a look. A baptismal font from the 13th century, a pulpit from 1580 and a crucifix from around 1200 are other sights of the church.

Horses used to be tied to the rings outside the church before services.

From Sønderby, which lies on hilly terrain, you have a very nice view over Nørreby and the northern parts of the island. Jewels of the village are the old farms. The island valley Bækkenet leads from Sønderby to Nørreby in the north. The inn in the north of the village served guests as early as 1534. The Højriis Gallery has a café garden. The village pond at Nørreby is the last remnant of the drained Bækkenet fjord, which was once even navigated by sailing ships. The earliest settlements on the island were grouped around this village pond.

The Krugesten on the roadside from Nørreby to the harbour is a memorial stone to King Christian X's visits in 1933, 1936 and 1939.

Increasingly, the 1138-hectare island with 15 kilometres of coastline is being discovered by pensioners as a retirement home. Their share of the total population is already said to be 35 percent. During the season, they are joined by holidaymakers who spend their holidays mainly in the holiday home areas on the island's eastern beach.

There is a grocery shop in Nørreby, a supermarket and a grocer in Sønderby. There is a kiosk at the harbour.

Marina Information

Max Depth 3 m


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Public Transport




Hartmut Pflughaupt, Ratokker III
Virsicht, wenn die große Fähre - zu erkennen an der Aufschrift Kragenaes-Fejö- am Anleger liegt. Dann ist von einem Ein- oder Auslaufen wegen des Schraubenwassers DRINGEND abzuraten.
16.08.2024 22:03
Julian, Sealady
Es gibt hier einen kleinen aber feinen Sandstrand, der ganz flach ins Wasser geht. Im Norddorf findet man eine offene Kinderwerkstatt, wo man mit Holz werkeln kann. Der Høker am Hafen ist zwar relativ groß, wird aber offenbar selten beliefert, Gemüse ist zur Zeit rar. Andere Einkaufsmöglichkeiten haben wir in den Dörfern nicht gefunden. Tanken nur in Absprache möglich.
09.08.2024 12:33
Hartmut Pflughaupt, Ratokker III
Sehr schöner Aufenthaltsraum mit Küchenzeile im Gebäude bei der Tankstelle
24.05.2023 12:54
Hartmut Pflughaupt, Ratokker III
WC und Dusche an der Nordostecke des Hafens gibt es nicht mehr.
24.05.2023 12:43
Alexander Tiedt, Captn Ahab 2
Die Insel ist gut mit dem Fahrrad zu erkunden. Kleiner Einkaufsladen, Tankstelle und Imbiss am Hafen. Restaurant im Ort. Duschen und WC sind OK. Wer allerdings seine Ruhe sucht ist hier fehl am Platz.
29.07.2022 18:40
Udeck, Lilly
Sehr gemütlicher Hafen. Sehr netter Hafenmeister . Bezahlung über Harba App für ältere Leute etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig. Toller Service beim Dorfkrug. Einfach anrufen, und man wird mit Fahrservice zum Essen und wieder zurück zum Hafen gefahren. Das Essen war ausgesprochen gut. Die Telefonnummer steht im Hafen.
05.07.2022 21:24
Uwe Giese, Kruskopp
Die Insel ist wirklich sehenswert und prima per Fahrrad zu entdecken. Wermutstropfen ist, dass die Beschreibung oben nicht mehr ganz stimmt. In keinem der beiden Orte gibt es einen Kaufmannsladen, geschweige denn einen Supermarkt. Der Kiosk am Hafen ist dafür aber ein Laden, in dem man alles, was man so für den täglichen Bedarf braucht, bekommt.
20.06.2022 17:19
Peter Drost, Mille
Good facilities. Payment through smartphone app Harba. Only one grocery on the island, 'Havnehoekeren' at the harbour, with a limited selection of products.
06.08.2021 15:10

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