Rønne - Nørrekås, Yachthafen

Marina near Rønne

Last edited 15.06.2024 at 09:00 by Ruff, RUFFINA


55° 6’ 20.4” N


14° 41’ 40.4” E


The capital of the island of Bornholm with a large ferry and commercial port and a marina

NV Cruising Guide


The approach to the two lighted harbors of Rønne is unproblematic day and night. The oil tanks and the church at the harbor are good landmarks. In spring 2024, the upright masts of new wind turbines will be visible from afar.


The separate Nørrekås marina north of the commercial harbor offers guest berths in its 3 harbor basins at a water depth of 2.5m.


All supply options are available (including customs office, yacht equipment and sailmaking). Diesel in Nørrekås.

Ferry to Køge (Copenhagen), Sweden (Ystad), Poland (Swinoujscie) and Germany (Sassnitz/Rügen).

NV Land Guide

The 16,000 inhabitants of Rönne make up a third of Bornholm's native population. Because there are few high-rise buildings and many detached houses, the island's capital takes up considerably more space than other Danish towns with a comparable number of inhabitants. In addition, the number of town residents naturally increases during the season when tourists arrive at the harbor or airport. There are around 300,000 every year.

The city has never had any special trading rights. In contrast to most other Danish islands, the people of Bornholm traded freely. The favorable location between Sweden and Germany made Rönne an ideal trading center for both sides. Large catches of herring and cod brought additional wealth. The importance of fishing is reflected in the town seal: three white cod in a blue field, with the protector of all seafarers - St. Nicholas - above it.

Rønne was famous as a watchmaking town in the 18th and 19th centuries. The clockmaking industry is said to have originated from the stranding of English ships with grandfather clocks on board around 1750. The clocks were taken apart, dried, reassembled and finally rebuilt. By 1800, there were already 30 large clockmaking workshops. Clocks "Made in Bornholm" became a byword for quality, but the good reputation of the clock industry was quickly ruined when clocks of inferior quality from Bornholm came onto the market in the middle of the 19th century. Within a very short time, almost the entire watchmaking guild was out of work.

Pottery is also one of the old trades in Rønne. In contrast to the watchmaking industry, it is still booming today.

Like Neksø (see Neksø), Rønne was attacked by Russian bombers in 1945. After more than 30,000 displaced persons and German soldiers had fled from the Eastern Front across the Baltic Sea to Bornholm, the German commander refused to surrender to the Russians. After the bombing raids, however, the Germans gave up and let the Soviet soldiers onto the island.

Despite the bombing, the town is still rich in beautiful old half-timbered houses. They are mainly grouped around the church that rises above the harbor. Although it dates back to the 14th century, it was largely rebuilt in 1915. Illuminated at night, it is a particularly beautiful sight.

Among the buildings worth seeing are the old merchants' courtyards in Store Torvegade and on the corner of Nellikegade and Provstegade.

The Karnapsgård (Gård = courtyard) by the church, Johnsens Gård by the harbor, the houses in the street Ved Brønden and the corner house Østergade-Kattesundet are well worth a visit. The latter was built with stones from the ruins of Hammerhus. The main guardhouse (Hovedvagten) in Søndergade, now a summer restaurant with a street café, was also built in 1743 with stones taken from the ruins. Until the middle of the last century, this was the site of the town watch.

In Storegade in front of the state school, two flat stones commemorate the place where the Swedish commander Johan Printzenskjøld was shot by insurgents (see Hasle). The commander and the Swedes were brought down according to a plan hatched by the Bornholm freedom fighter and national hero Jens Kofoed and the mayor of Hasle. The smaller stone is said to have been erected in memory of his faithful dog.

Built in 1807, the half-timbered house Erichsens Gård in Laksegade has been furnished as a bourgeois residence from the last century. Here, numerous exhibits commemorate the painter Kristian Zahrtmann and the poet Holger Drachmann, whose first wife, Wilhelmine Erichsen, was the daughter of the house.

The geological and cultural history collections of the museum in St. Mortengade 29 are just as worth seeing here as the works of Bornholm painters, who came to the island because of the special light conditions.

A trip to the round church of Nylars is recommended. It is located south-east of Rønne (see Arnager).

On the southern edge of the town lies the Rønne fort, built in 1688. It is the remains of a building project that was intended to turn Rønne into a fortified town. However, the plan was abandoned during construction. The well-preserved complex now houses a military museum whose collections tell the military history of the island from ancient times to the present day. In nearby Kanondal there are old guns.

The southern harbor is of special dimensions by the standards of a Danish provincial town, which is mainly due to the heavy passenger ship traffic. However, the granite and fishing industries have also played their part in the enormous expansion of the harbor in recent years. The small boat harbor basin below the church is often overcrowded. Nørre Kås North Harbour was built exclusively for yachts.

Marina Information

Max Depth 2.5 m


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Ab Beginn der dänischen Schulferien nachts oft unruhig.
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