
Marina near Lundeborg

Last edited 27.08.2024 at 21:23 by Rainer-burmeister, Ju-Len


55° 8’ 16.8” N


10° 47’ 16.4” E


Cosy little fishing harbour and marina south of Knudshoved on the eastern shore of Funen.

NV Cruising Guide


The approach is easy day and night. It is done from the east, as there are some rocks south of the harbour. When approaching, the large white half-timbered packing house serves as a good landmark. The northern pier head is lit at night (F.G).


Sport boats are moored in the narrow fishing harbour at the inner edges of the piers or in the marina. The water depth in the harbours is about 2.5m, the entrance tends to silt up.

Watch out for the slipway, which extends far into the harbour basin. During the holiday months the harbour is often crowded.


Supply possibilities exist in the reopened merchant's shop. There is a small imaginative restaurant and a kiosk right on the harbour.  Diesel and petrol can be obtained. There is also a wooden boatyard and engine workshop.

NV Land Guide

The harbour of Lundeborg is particularly appealing, with its impressive packhouse dating from 1863, which is a listed building. Its special feature is the red half-timbering. The eye-catching building is considered the landmark of the village with its cosy harbour, which was also built around 1860 by the Broholm estate to stimulate the Lundeborg economy. In 1931 the packhouse was donated to the fishermen by the civic association.

About the history of the idyllic fishing village, bricks and utensils made of clay found in the earth in the northern and southern parts of the village provided information. The finds prove that brickworks were a significant source of income in the 16th and 17th centuries. Worked pieces of clay were also discovered in the water near the remains of a landing stage.

Agricultural products were handled in Lundeborg harbour in the 19th century. Later, shipbuilding played an important role, but the only livelihood that is still important today is fishing. This is also shown by the fact that the fishermen still run the harbour of Lundeborg on their own.

In former times there was a ferry connection from Lundeborg to the opposite Lohals on Langeland. The landing stage can still be seen.

Nearly five kilometres north of Lundeborg, near Hesselager, lies the Dammestenen, Denmark's largest erratic boulder at around twelve metres high, 46 metres in circumference and weighing 1000 tonnes. It documents the power of the ice that pushed the huge stone from Norway to East Fyn during the Ice Age. The legend says that a giantess who was staying on Langeland tried to hit the spire of Svindinge Church with this stone. However, she overestimated her strength and the stone landed far short of it. Over the years, the stone is said to have grown and only stopped doing so when it was dug up.

Broholm Castle stands about four kilometres west of Lundeborg. Not only does it offer stylish accommodation and gourmet meals in the castle restaurant, but there is also an impressive antiquities exhibition to visit.

Hesselagergård, a manor house built in 1538, can be found about 2.5 kilometres northwest of the town. Here, clear borrowings were made from the architects of northern Italy. The Renaissance building is notable for its round-arched gables, which are quite unusual in the north. The property, which is still fully farmed today, is not open to the public.

In Denmark around this time, people were only used to Gothic stepped gables. Hesselagergård was built by imperial chancellor Johan Friis. It is worth going there, although the manor can only be viewed across the moat.

The nearby village church was also given the Venetian gables in retrospect. It temporarily served as the burial church of the mighty Friis.

The "Brandkroen" on Strandvej in Skårupøre, to be found ten kilometres south of Lundeborg, is a highly recommended gourmet restaurant.

The most beautiful street is probably Momleby Street, where old half-timbered houses stand, all obviously by the same master builder. The neat little houses look a little like the forerunners of today's terraced houses, but many times more handsome.

The northern part of the village consists mainly of cottages. A lovely walkway stretches south along the shore. It leads to a rest area, which offers views of Langeland opposite. If you follow the small road a little further, you will come to Knarreborg Mølle, an old, half-ruined watermill.

Marina Information

Max Depth 2.5 m


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Anja und Pit Koch, Mette
Sehr schöner gemütlicher Hafen. Hat alles was man braucht.
14.07.2024 22:00
H. Koch, Shackleton
Sehr netter Hafenmeister, der sehr gut Deutsch und Englisch spricht. Hat mir beim Bruch des Spiegelbeschlags meines angehängten Ruders sehr geholfen, indem er einen Schweißer organisiert hat, der mir das innerhalb von anderthalb Stunden fertig gemacht hat.
22.08.2023 21:10
Dennis, Tardis
Hafenmeister kommt zum Schiff, nimmt aber nur Bargeld. Auch Duschen müssen in bar bezahlt werden.
01.09.2020 15:17
goetzdaniel, ilsebill svfr kiel
schmale Boote haben manchmal ganz hinten noch die Möglichkeit einen Platz zu bekommen. Vorsicht unterschiedliche Wassersrände bis zu 50 cm. Die sanitären Anlagen sind etwas veraltet. Im Norden ein sehr schöner Strand
30.07.2020 12:19
10.07.2020 21:36

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