Sassnitz Stadthafen, Richtfeuer Sassnitz vorübergehend außer Betrieb/ Leading lights temporarily extinguished

Navinfo near Sassnitz

Last edited 19.08.2024 at 14:18 by NV Charts Team


54° 30’ 19.2” N


13° 38’ 9.4” E


Valid from 01.07.2024
Valid until 20.09.2024

From 01.07 to presumably 20.09.2024, the leading light Sassnitz as well as the pier lights "Sassnitz, W-Mole" and "Sassnitz Ostmole" will neither be available as a day mark nor for night navigation.

Instead of the pier lights, a replacement pier light with the same identification will be erected in the immediate vicinity.


Harald Hartwig, BigDesy
06.08.2024 11:40

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