Elbe, Hollerwettern - Bauarbeiten/ Works

Navinfo near Wewelsfleth

Last edited 16.06.2024 at 06:00 by NV Charts Team


53° 50’ 30.4” N


9° 20’ 54.3” E


Valid from 15.04.2024
Valid until 09.06.2024

From 15.04.2024 until probably 31.05.2024, construction work will take place at river km 682 (Hollerwettern) to build a water extraction and discharge point.

The water extraction point is planned until 2032 and is marked by the following navigation signs (WGS84).

Cardinal light post west Q (9)

53°50,4860`N, 009°20,9030`E

Cardinal buoy north:

53°50,507`N, 009°20,906`E

Cardinal buoy south:

53°50,474`N, 009°20,978`E

Until probably 30.06.2024 a restricted area is established off Hollerwettern.

The restricted area is defined with the following coordinates:

53° 50.5583'N   009° 20.9243'E

53° 50.5291'N   009° 20.8486'E

53° 50.4860'N   009° 20,9030'E

53° 50,4422'N   009° 20,9572'E

53° 50,4743'N   009° 21,0284'E

Navigation is requested to pay attention.


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