Weser, Rechtenfleth - Strandvorspühlung/ Beach preflushing

Navinfo near Hagen im Bremischen

Last edited 16.06.2024 at 06:01 by NV Charts Team


53° 22’ 24.2” N


8° 29’ 56.4” E


Valid from 12.06.2024
Valid until 25.10.2024

In the Rechtenfleht area, below fairway buoy 82 (Lower Weser km 44.9 to km 46.5 eastern bank), bank flushing will be carried out from the 24th calendar week to the 43rd calendar week. For this purpose, a flushing pipe will be laid out on the bottom between the bank and the edge of the fairway at Unterweser-km 45.7.
The flushing pipe is marked with red floating bubbles. The submersible coupler head is marked by a buoy with a white fixed light.
A safety distance must be maintained from the coupler head.
The beach pre-flushing is carried out by a dredger, which picks up the coupler head from the bottom at the eastern edge of the fairway. The flushing pipes must be passed by shipping with consideration and at a safe distance to the west.

Shipping is requested to take note of this


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