Elbe, Unter- und Außenelbe - Kampfmittelräumung/ Explosives clearance

Navinfo near Cuxhaven (Döse)

Last edited 26.08.2024 at 10:06 by NV Charts Team


53° 55’ 6.6” N


8° 40’ 26.4” E


Valid from 02.05.2024
Valid until 30.09.2024

From 04.05.2024 until probably August 2024, explosive ordnance soundings will be carried out in the area of the Outer Elbe between the light buoys 21 to 29.
As part of the explosive ordnance sounding, the suspected explosive ordnance objects will be identified and, if necessary, recovered. The work will be carried out by the ship "Aquarius-G".
During the work, a safe distance must be maintained from the work ship.
- During the work, a safe distance of at least 100 m must be maintained from all passing vehicles.
- During work with divers, a safety distance of at least 200 m must be maintained from all passing vessels.

In addition to the safety distances, extreme
consideration is required when passing the working "Aquarius-G".

For the coordination of the passages, there will be radar advice for the time during which the "Aquarius-G" is working. The radar advisory will take place on the radar channels "Neuwerk Radar" VHF channel 05 or "Cuxhaven Radar" VHF channel 21. All passing vehicles are requested to listen to the channel.


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