Haren- Rütenbrock- Kanal

Navinfo near Haren (Ems)

Last edited 14.05.2024 at 18:00 by NV Charts Team


52° 47’ 22.7” N


7° 14’ 44.2” E


The Haren-Rütenbrock Canal connects the Ems (Dortmund-Ems Canal) with the Dutch canals Stadskanaal-Winschoterdiep-Eemskanaal and with the new waterway between Erica and Ter Apel - the Veenvart. Four locks and 12 bridges have to be passed. The structures are operated from the canal control center at lock 1 in Haren (Ems) with the help of an automatic canal monitoring
and control system.

Lock I Haren (Ems) Tel.05932/4376 or 0171/4772783

Opening hours 2024

Low season:
Closed from 01.04.24 - 30.04.24 and from 01.10.24 to 31.10.24

High season:
From 01.05.24 - 30.09.24 from Monday to Saturday 08.00-18.00
Lunch breaks from 13.00 to 14.00h (Holterhuis- and Kirchstraßenbrücke)
and 13.00 to 13.30h (remaining canal section).

No operation on Sundays and public holidays - exception: summer vacations in the federal states of Nds. and NRW

Last entry until 15.30 h

Summer vacations in the federal states of Lower Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia

Monday to Sunday - open Sundays:

23.06., 30.06., 07.07., 14.07., 21.07., 11.08., 28.07., 04.08.,11.08. and 18.08.24.

No operation on public holidays!


Andy, Kaan
Leider wird die neue Sperrung nicht bekannt gegeben……. viel Zeit verschwendet!
14.05.2024 13:01

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