Büsum, Vorhafen, Westmole - Instandsetzungsarbeiten / Repairs

Navinfo near Büsum

Last edited 25.07.2024 at 13:22 by NV Charts Team


54° 7’ 13.3” N


8° 51’ 33.2” E


Valid from 09.04.2024
Valid until 31.10.2024

Repair work will be carried out in the outer harbor on the bank wall of the western pier, probably until October 2024. Work boats and scaffolding will be used on the water side.

On 22.07.2024 and 23.07.2024, diver work will be carried out at the "Westmole" construction site.

When the divers are working on the Westmole, the Westmolenkopf must be passed slowly and at a sufficient distance - at least 30 meters - and with the utmost consideration.

The diver flags and markings must be observed. Avoid suction and wave impact.

Obstructions must be expected. Consideration is required.
The construction site area must be passed at a sufficient distance.
Suction and wave impact must be avoided.

Further information via Büsum Port Radio Channel 11 or on 04834/2183.


Uwe Otterpohl, Andrea
25.07.2024 13:22

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