Marine Reserves

Navinfo near Baja Sardinia

Last edited 05.10.2024 at 15:39 by NV Charts Team


41° 9’ 40.5” N


9° 28’ 13.9” E


Marine reserves have been established at a number of locations within the area covered by this chart set. In general they are devided into three different zones (A,B,C) where the following restrictions and prohibitions are likely to apply:

Zone A: Unauthorised navigation , stopping, anchoring, fishing and swimming, including diving, are prohibited.

Zone B: Navigation with sails and oars is permitted , motor boat navigation can be restricted to a speed limit (normally 5-10 kn, in some cases motor navigation is prohibited, consultate the local authorities), anchoring and mooring is restricted: mooring only at laid out mooring buoys by the authorities, anchoring only with permission of the authorities, swimming allowed, fishing is prohibited.

Zone C: Navigation with sails and oars is permitted, motor boat navigation is usually restricted to a speed limit (in some cases motor navigation is prohibited, consultate local authorities), swimming and diving are permitted, mooring is restricted to laid out mooring buoys by the authorities.

For further information contact the local authorities.


Ab August 2024: Ankern über Nacht zwischen 2100 bis 0800 Uhr in ZonaB verboten. Festmachen nur mit Park - Allowance an vom Nationalpark bereitgestellten Bojen.
05.10.2024 15:39

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