Windpark Meerwind Süd/Ost - Navigation regulations


Last edited 30.08.2024 at 08:06 by Tahryfrd , Ashaqtahryfrd


54° 23’ 59.6” N


7° 41’ 58.9” E


Valid from 13.07.2021

80 Wind Turbines (R.Lts) (21xFl.Y.4s) (6xOc(3)Y.16s) Navigating with the AIS system switched on for vessels under 24 m only at visibility above 1000 m as well as at wind forces up to 6 Bft. Anchoring and fishing prohibited. Minimum distance 150 m from wind turbines and 1000 m from platforms and installations with visible works. The official nautical chart 1370 is to be carried along.


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