Klappbrücke Huntebrück

Navinfo near Elsfleth

Last edited 05.08.2024 at 13:00 by NV Charts Team


53° 12’ 0.5” N


8° 26’ 51.1” E


Valid from 25.07.2024
Valid until 31.12.2024

Due to maintenance work, the bascule bridge Huntebrück at Hunte-km 17.8 will be out of service from 01.10.24 at 08:00 to 02.10.24 at approx. 18:00. The bridge is in a closed state.

The clearance height is approx. 6.10 m in relation to the mean high tide,

or 9.67 m in relation to the mean low tide.

Ship traffic is instructed to pass the bridge with particular caution and only when the clearance height is certainly sufficient.The clearance height indicated on the respective bridge level must be observed.

The bascule bridge opens continuously on request via VHF channel 73 "Hunte Bridge"

The bascule bridge opens continuously on request via VHF channel 73 "Hunte Bridge".


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