Wilhelmshaven, Deichbrücke - Notbetrieb/ Emergency mode

Navinfo near Wilhelmshaven (Innenstadt)

Last edited 16.09.2024 at 15:55 by NV Charts Team


53° 30’ 57.5” N


8° 6’ 57.3” E


Valid from 16.09.2024
Valid until 22.09.2024

The "dyke bridge" in Wilhelmshaven remains closed for passage in the Ems-Jade Canal.

However,emergency openings Mondays to Fridays at 12:15 p.m. for approx. 15 minutes.

As the bridge is currently still being turned by hand by contractors, it cannot be opened at the weekend. 15 minutes.

As the bridge is currently still being turned by the contractors by hand, it is not yet possible to open it at the weekend.

Changes will be announced in good time.


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