Schlucht von Binigaus

Sightseeing near Sant Tomàs

Last edited 21.07.2022 at 01:42 by NV Charts Team


39° 55’ 20.6” N


4° 1’ 31.4” E


The "Canyon of Binigaus" begins in the village of Migjorn and ends at the beach of Binigaus, in the village of Santo Tomás. In this cliff you can visit many caves, the most well known being the Cova des Coloms (Pigeon Cave) or La Catedral.
The walk from the beach Binigaus,takes about 30min, but the path and the cave are impressive

The "Canyon of Binigaus" starts in the village es Migjorn and ends in the beach of Binigaus, near the beach Santo Tomás. In this cliff you can visit many caves, being the most well known the Cova des Coloms (Pidgeon's Cave) also known as La Catedral.

The walk from Binigaus beach takes about 30 min. but the path and the cave are impressive.


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