Trpanj - Info

Sightseeing near Donja Vrućica

Last edited 21.07.2022 at 00:24 by NV Charts Team


43° 0’ 11.5” N


17° 15’ 33.6” E


The area around Trpanj has been settled since ancient times. Prehistoric pottery was found near the port. On Gradina hill a Roman mosaic was uncovered one also found ruins of a wall of a Roman "Villa Rustica" (manor house) as well as the base of a Roman column and inscriptions from the 2nd - 3rd century AD. When the Romans occupied the area, Julius Caesar destroyed the Illyrian fortress Tarpano, the remaining three towers became the landmark of the town.
On the ruins of antiquity, the later Croatian inhabitants built their own monuments, the most important church of medieval Trpanj, was built on the foundations of a Roman villa.


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