
Sightseeing near Drašnice

Last edited 20.07.2022 at 06:20 by NV Charts Team


43° 12’ 57.5” N


17° 6’ 44.6” E


Drasnice is a fishing village, but today it also lives from tourism. The village is impressively situated directly below the Biokovo mountain. In the bay Uvala Drasnice lie, at the surface well visible, bubbling freshwater springs one of them the "Izbitac" lbefindet at the long beach of Drasnice.
Above the place lies the Gothic Stephanskirche, in which a Roman inscription from the 2.Jhr. was discovered and one from 1446 over the Croatian duke Stephan. Directly by the sea are the cemetery with medieval graves and a baroque church (1745).


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