Rogač -Solta

Sightseeing near Rogač

Last edited 19.07.2022 at 21:20 by NV Charts Team


43° 23’ 37.4” N


16° 17’ 35.7” E


The place Rogač means in Croatian. It originated as a port of Grohote in the 18th century. At first there were only fishermen's houses and small taverns, protected by a two-storey baroque fort.
But the bay was not always uninhabited, numerous ruins have been found here, in the Uvala Banje ruins of the Roman "Villea rusticae" from the 3rd - 4th century. Jhr. with walls of thermae, mosaics and graves and on the southwestern shore wall remains in the water, which probably belonged to an ancient port, because the sea level has risen in the last 2000 years by about 1.70m.
In the 19th Jhd. was built on the ruins of an older church, the church of Teresa of Avila. On the opposite side of the harbor there is a casella - a house for disinfection of ships as in the harbors Stomorska, Maslinica and Straćinska, At the lower end of the bay in a pine grove in the 14th century was built the summer villa of the Miladinov family with a park. In 1920 a small shipyard was established, which is still in operation today. The ethnographic collection at Nikola Mateljan, one of the most productive olive growers on the island, is worth a visit. Grohote, the oldest village and center of the island is 2km away and a nice destination to have a coffee in the historic marketplace.


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